Wednesday, April 30, 2014

First iOS Game

Poopy The Pigeon is on the loose! You can download it free to your iDevice! Click here!

Basically I wrote Poopy the Pigeon just to see how things worked, adding an app to the Apple App Store, figuring out how to integrate the Leaderboards and just getting graphics and what not on the screen.

But it turns out that it's a fun little game.  Go ahead and play and check out for updates!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Custom wall mural - mural wallpaper made just for you!

If you are looking for something cool to do with the design of a room, and you have the right space for it, a custom wallpaper mural is amazing. I can remember giant space murals in kids rooms or forests in restaurants, but murals have moved so far past that now. Think of a giant old world map mural printed on cloth and hung on a curtain rod. It's an amazing look. A unique mural can just make a room into something special.

When you are looking for a wall mural that has that unique quality you need to be able to choose your own photo. I'm sure everyone is getting sick of the men eating lunch on a high rise in New York. What you need to do is pick your own photo from a stock photo site like iStockPhoto or canStockPhoto and create your own custom wallpaper mural or other mural.

If you are looking for a custom wall mural or want to explore giant printing of any kind for your home (or your business) check out those stock photo sites and then find a wall mural printer like Advance Murals in Canada to get it done.

I'm sure you will find the results are amazing!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Flatbed Printing

I know what you are thinking! Why do I need flatbed printing ... what is flatbed printing?

Well let's say you wanted to print on foamcore, or print on coroplast even print on fabric ... then you need flatbed printing.

It's a printer that can feed the sheet through in one big piece. Much better than printing onto paper and then mounting on foamcore. Flatbed printing is the coolest.

Now, not only is it pretty cool that you can print on foamcore directly, but you can also get bio-degradable foamcore and help the environment at the same time!

Check it out, it's worth it. If you are anywhere in Canada, then I recomment using